About us

Course description and objectives

The Doctorate  in Biotechnology in Translational Medicine offers an interdisciplinary approach to translate novel insights from basic science into clinical research so to synergize insights from biological and medical sciences.
PhD candidates will develop problem solving skills and team work attitude by working in an interdisciplinary field as actively interacting with colleagues from different expertise. They will learn how to improve communication between different scientific fields, while commit ting themselves to transforming the scientific progress of the basic sciences into new methods for diagnostics, prevention or treatment of human pathologies.
The main aim of the Doctorate is to train young scientists in biotechnological research with relevant impact on human health research areas.
PhD students will be asked to develop experimental and analytical potential up to being able of carrying on esearch activity and project-management activity in an independent way. To this purpose, specific lecturing and mentoring activities are included, aiming at both increasing students’ cultural background - through ad hoc seminars on innovative and translational cutting-edge topics in medical biotechnology – and providing technical skills via close interaction with Lecturers on specific research issues experienced by the students. Particular emphasis will be given to collaboration with laboratories and qualified research structures, both in Italy and abroad.

Employment prevision and professional opportunity

As part of the new Horizon 2020 program, the European Union has been showing growing interest towards regenerative medicine and innovative therapies. Employment prevision can be expected in research institute  in either Liguria and across Italy and in biotechnological and chemical-pharmaceutical companies. Feasible project ideas, which emerged during scheduled meetings with operators from the industrial and academic world, include: development and production of reagents for cell biology and molecular biology; development of therapeutic protocols based on bioactive molecules; production of bioactive molecules by extraction and purification from biological materials, or with recombinant DNA technology; development and production of new therapeutic tools for cell therapy and gene therapy; development and production of resorbable biomaterials tissue damage healing and repair.
The PhD course include different Doctoral curricula, that are integrated into the common synergistic goal of transferring and translating results of research projects into clinical practice (Translational medicine). Such curricula will support researchers to carry out innovative translational research in the field of biomedical biotechnology. At the end of the training process, the candidate awarded with the PhD in "Biotechnology in Translational Medicine" will be qualified to enter the Academic and Healthcare world, in public and private Research Institutes and in Industries.

Type of organization

The PhD course involves the participation of representatives of Research Institutions (CNR), industries (ETT Solutions spa and SOFTJAM spa - Genoa) and foreign Universities (University of Glasgow) in the Academic Board. Clinicians and scientists from the IRCCS Policlinico San Martino Hospital in Genoa participate in personal capacity. Special agreements are stipulated with foreign universities to carry out the PhD in co-tutorship.
The PhD course includes 5 different curricula: Bioimaging; Cellular And Molecular Biotechnology; Regenerative Medicine And Tissue Engineering; Precision Medicine; Translational Surgery.
PhD candidate will be assigned to a Titor/Supervisor who will guide the student through the training programme in with 1-to-1 dedicated interaction and on a daily basis. 
Candidates will be assessed by the PhD Couse Committee once a year to evaluate their progress and their results.

Last update 25 November 2022